DTC is holding a social eveent on Decemeber 9th at Priam Vinveyards. All are welcome. Learn more here!

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Thank you to Dot’s Pasta Dinner 2024 Ad Book Sponsors!

The Colchester Democratic Town Committee is an elected body of Democrats and Colchester residents charged with overseeing the operations of the Democratic Party in Colchester. Colchester DTC congratulates the following candidates on their successful bids for office (click on their names to be directed to their websites) in the 2024 election:
George Baker for Judge of Probate
Thanks to the voters of Colchester, Bernie Dennler was elected as First Selctman in Novemember 2023. Many other Democrats took office as well- read their bios below. DTC is looking forward to municipal elections in 2025! Please get in touch to volunteer.
The Winning 2023 Municipal Slate-Now Serving Colchester!

Bernie Dennler- First Selectman

- Lifelong part of Colchester and community volunteer. Bacon Academy graduate.
- Graduate of Hofstra University with a degree in journalism and political science
- Worked in neighboring Lebanon as the office manager and executive assistant to the First Selectman
- Former Vice Chair of Colchester’s Board of Finance
- Public Safety Subcommittee
- Economic Development Commission
- Website
Rosemary Coyle-Board of Selectmen

- Colchester Board of Selectmen, incumbent
- Colchester Board of Education, former Vice Chair
- Montville Teacher, retired – 37 years
- Justice of the Peace
- Colchester Lions Club, Historical Society, Land Trust
- Chaired Elderly Tax Relief and Senior Center Subcommittee
- Connecticut Education Association, past President
- Liaison to SC Building Committee, Open Space, and Agriculture
- Member Chatham Board of Health
Denise Turner-Board of Selectmen

- Lifelong part of the community with a background in senior care
- Volunteer to CT’s Kid Governor program and Old State House along with Colchester’s Historical Society
- Served our community with three terms on the BOAA
- Incumbent of 5 years on BoS
Scott Chapman-Board of Finance

- Long-standing part of the Colchester community and an active volunteer
- Colchester business owner working in financial planning and investment portfolio management
- Possesses over twenty years of experience in business management
- Active member of Colchester’s Business Association
- Retired service member of the US Navy in the submarine warfare community
Karen Belding-Board of Finance

- Active volunteer in Colchester and St. Andrews Church
- President on the board of the Colchester Baseball and Softball League
- Holds an MBA from the University of Delaware
- Works as a project manager for a major insurance company overseeing multi-million-dollar IT implementation projects
Gayle Furman- Town Clerk

- Part of the Colchester community for 35 years and a long-serving volunteer
- Served the last nine years as our Town’s Clerk
- Certified Connecticut and international Association municipal clerk
- Connecticut Town Clerks association board member
Chris Rivers-Board of Education

- West Point and Georgetown University Graduate and Army veteran
- Former background within the US Dept of State and as a federal government consultant
- Serves Colchester’s BoE as an incumbent
- Budget and Facilities Committee and is the liaison to the Board of Finance
Michelle Millington- Board of Education

- Vast experience in the field of social services
- Long-standing Colchester resident and volunteer
- Serves Colchester’s BoE and an incumbent
- Budget Communications Committee Liaison, the Student Wellness Liaison, and Youth and Social Services Liaison
Stefanie Tracey-Calash- Board of Education

- Would be only parent of young children on BOE
- Born and raised in Southeastern CT
- C3 Parent Council Member and Volunteer of the Year ’21-’22
- CASTLE Board Member (2nd Term)
- Master’s degree from Boston College – Higher Education Administration
- Nearly 10 years of corporate Marketing & Communications experience
Andrew Cournoyer- Board of Assessment Appeals

- Lifelong Colchester resident
- Incumbent member of the BOAA, who has always works towards sensible appeals solutions
- Professional background in financial sector operation analysis
Krista Kardys- Board of Assessment Appeals

- 29-year part of the community and active volunteer
- 30 years of experience as an RN
- Extensive knowledge in the field of medical administration
Sean Gillespie- Treasurer

- Has resided with his wife and two children in Colchester for the past 17 years
- IT architect specializing in financial reporting systems
- 20+ years experience in IT security, project management, and systems administration and IT architecture
Michele Wyatt- Tax Collector

- Certified as a CT Municipal Collector and CT Municipal Officer
- President of the New London Tax Collectors Association
- Board member of the Tax Collectors Association of CT
- Holds a Board seat on the Education Development & Legislative committees
- Active in Colchester Lions Club and other volunteer organizations
- 30 years of customer service experience
- 10 years banking experience
- Served the last eight years as Colchester’s Tax Collector
We meet monthly and welcome the participation of all Democrats. Click here if you would like to receive the zoom meeting link.

Elections Matter
Every election matters, even at the local level.
Volunteer activities, even small ones, help win elections.
Want to get involved? Please email us at colchesterdems@gmail.com to learn more.
Every donation also helps to fund campaigns.